10 Cheap, Healthy Pantry Foods that Never Expire

There are 10 Foods you should ALWAYS have in your emergency pantry, because they are incredibly versatile – and virtually NEVER go bad. These are 10 cheap, healthy pantry foods that never expire. NOTE: We mention honey in the video. NEVER give honey to a child under the age of one.

When it comes to preparing for the unknown, nothing is more important than what you choose to put in your pantry. Today, we’ll give you our 10 “must have” items and tell you why they made our list.


* Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you!

○ FREE Pantry Stock Up Workbook: https://underthemedian.com/pantry-stock-up/
○ Manuka Honey: https://amzn.to/3wcVepC (Note: Honey should NEVER be given to a child under the age of 1.)
○ USDA Article on meaning of “Sell-by” dating: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/food-product-dating
○ Family Grain Mill: https://pleasanthillgrain.com/family-grain-mill-flour-grinder-wheat-grinder-combos?_

00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – Pantry Storage Rules
01:32 – Misunderstood Food “Best Buy” Terminology
02:49 – Stock hard red wheat and buckwheat in your pantry
04:22 – Canned Fruits and Vegetables
05:40 – The importance of dried beans in a prepper pantry
07:05 – How to use coconut oil
08:30 – How to use salt in an emergency
09:26 – How to use dried herbs and spices
12:00 – White rice -vs – brown rice for pantry storage
12:54 – Natural sweeteners to have on your pantry shelves
14:30 – The many uses of baking soda
15:45 – Kinds of vinegar you need for an emergency pantry

//TIP JAR: Want to send us a special “Thank You” for our content? Here’s our PayPal email address: underthemedian@gmail.com


○ The Easy Way to Know if You Have Enough Food in Your Pantry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCmN9SGKYo8&t=5s
○ What to Put in Your Emergency Food Pantry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lL8ysIOvlI&t=3s


• Menu Planning Made Easy: https://underthemedian.com/menu-planning-made-easy/
• Debt-Free Christmas Binder: https://underthemedian.com/debt-free-christmas-binder/
• Personal Finance Planner: https://underthemedian.com/yearly-finance-planner/
• Home Energy Savings Guide:https://underthemedian.com/home-energy-savings-guide/
• Teaching Children a Biblical View of Money: https://underthemedian.com/biblical-financial-parenting-book-and-video-set/


○ Microphones-
Shure Microphones to plug into a mixer: (Great for interviews):
Blue Yeti mic with stand (Our favorite mic for Live Broadcasts) –
○ Studio lights – https://amzn.to/3pdgq8V


○ Graphic Artist: Our Logo design is by: Sarah Hallam, graphic artist:, contact her at: polaroidsandpens@gmail.com.

○ Discount and Coupon Browser Extensions:
* Honey: (Coupon Browser Extension)
* Rakuten: (Cash Back!) https://www.rakuten.com/r/HOPEWA158?eeid=28187
* Ibotta: (Earn cash back on groceries!) https://ibotta.risj.net/P2JJz

○ Mailerlite – https://www.mailerlite.com/invite/53867ca569af5


Our website: https://underthemedian.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/underthemedian/



We’re Hope and Larry and we raised our four sons, debt-free, including paying cash for our home (when our salary averaged less than $40,000). For tips on saving money, budgeting, paying off debt, and setting goals (while living with a spirit of joy and abundance), subscribe to us here on YouTube and visit us at our website and on social media.

Information on Under the Median represents our opinions only. We are not medical doctors, medical professionals, nutritionists, or investment professionals. All content found on Under the Median is intended for informational purposes only. Please be sure to exercise due diligence and always contact a professional with any questions you may have regarding any information you have seen or heard on our YouTube channel. Use caution when following instructions in this video. The creator and publisher of this video will not be held responsible for any adverse effects that may arise from the use of any method on this channel.


For all inquiries, please use this email: hope@underthemedian.com

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