13 Emergency Prepper Food Items to Stockpile for Survival

13 Emergency Prepper Food Items to Stockpile for Survival

Continual SHTF-similar situations require our readiness in any sense. Providing emergency food supply is one of the emergent basic steps in the process of SHTF preparations. The first question which emerges refers to the amount of food you need to supply. Well, it is the most desirable to stock up for time intervals from three days to a few months.
The decision over the amount of food is then more precisely determined by some calculations. In other words, you simply multiply the number of people in your household by three (number of daily meals), and once again by the number of days that you’re aiming for. It is important to remind you to include your pets in these calculations, as well.

13 Emergency Prepper Food Items to Stockpile for Survival

Although you think about storing some amount of non-perishable food, which is great, you also need to consider your family’s eating habits, i.e. possible food allergies and intolerance.

What is tricky is a decision- to stay or to leave. It’s up to you and the nature of the SHTF scenario. Whether bug in or bug out, it is advisable to have both ways of food supply prepared. Your family members’ bug out bags should be packed with 72-hour food supplies. And, your cellar, garage, or pantry should also contain food supplies for a few months. These food items could be granola bars, tuna cans, and crackers, which are rich in calories, easy to carry, and can keep you going for days.
Logically, these food supplies in your home should be kept in a place that is CDVD, which is cold, dry, ventilated, and dark. No moisture as it is one food’s powerful enemies. Bear in mind that 75 degrees should be the maximum temperature for storing emergency food supplies in your home. So, although it is stated on cans that 100 degrees are the max, stick to 75 degrees, to preserve some vitamins and minerals.
Whatever the food form, it also has its expiration date. Furthermore, it can go bad even before it officially goes bad. You will not get poisoned (most probably), but its nutritive value goes down the drain if it stays too long on your shelves. Therefore, use sticky notes to mark your food’s expiry dates. In that case, you will know the right time to renew your stack.
After going through these general basic elements of keeping emergency food supplies, let’s be more specific and take a look at 13 Emergency Prepper Food Items to Stockpile for Survival
Even though not food, clean water is vital as people can’t survive without it. Store it! How much? Well, that depends on many factors including your plans, storage capacities, SHTF situations. Yet, it is recommendable to have at least one gallon per person per day (pets included!) for at least 72 hours.
Meat is also essential, especially as a source of protein. Canned turkey, beef, chicken, pork, tuna, or salmon… Not attractive, but important in critical moments. Generally speaking, canned meat undergoes the sterilization process at a high temperature, which is detrimental to all microorganisms. Being sealed means being contaminant-free. Apart from its long shelf life of several years, canned meat is tasty and you can use it for making some meals.
Canned vegetables are also crucial because fibers are needed for a digestion process and good cholesterol. As sources of vitamins and minerals, you should keep a few veggie cans on your shelves: beans, peas, corn, carrots, legumes. Canned tomatoes can be stored, but they will not last for a long time because of acid.
Though incomparable with its fresh and juicy version, dried fruit is precious emergency food. Make sure there is no added sugar. Despite the lack of vitamin C, dried fruit possesses other nutrients to feed your body. As it is pricier, you could dry it yourself, relying on the grandma’s way and an oven at the lower setting.
Survival situations demand all possible sources of energy. Carbohydrates provide these additional energy sources. In that sense, store enough flour, especially whole grain. To prolong its shelf life, put it in the fridge. Pasta is also welcomed in this emergency food section.
As a great source of good carbs, rice is also necessary to be stored. It can be brown, whole-grained, stored in boxes or bags.
A few bags of potatoes are welcome in SHTF situations, but they cannot last more than a few weeks.
Provide nuts and have it all: proteins, fibers, fats, minerals, and vitamins. They can replace even a meal. You probably know about their power to reduce the bad cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

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For more survival tips, visit our website: https://www.simplysurvival.com/

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