39 secret PREPPER foods I buy from Amazon & Walmart

You can learn a lot by looking at the food preppers not only store but use regularly. These 39 items are short and medium food storage items that I use in my everyday cooking. Most of them are fairly inexpensive and nearly all of them are very nutritious or a very good value.
I have done other videos on my very long-term storage of bulk food items most of which I buy from the Mormons. They come in number 10 cans and are good for 30 years.
The items in this video are from Walmart and Amazon and have a much shorter shelf life but are eaten often and form the basis of many of my favorite meals.
Because nowadays we never know if we are going to have a continued supply of food whenever I buy my groceries I always buy more so I have extras of these in my pantry.
I also incorporate my long-term storage items into my daily meals but the items in this video are the ones that I eat the most often.

Except for the liver and cheese, all the items require no refrigeration. While most of them require preparation and other ingredients I have spent time learning how to get the best out of each ingredient and enjoy the cooking process. Also, most of these items are very easy on the budget.

review 15 prepper bulk foods from LDS Mormons-which is the best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXHfVyt18hQ

if you haven’t started storing a supply of food just think of it as food insurance. You may never need home or car insurance but it is good to have when you need it.

LDS food storage website

I would also like to recommend a wonderful food storage book I have found very helpful.
How Much Wheat Am I Really Going to Eat?: Charting Your Way To Food Storage Success
This book is by Anne McFadden who has a lot of common sense food storage information.

If you are trying to figure out exactly how much food you will need for any length of time, Anne has charts that cover the most basic foods to help you prepare and gauge how much food you will really need to store plus a ton of other great info that comes from real experience. Plus a lot of mistakes to avoid that will save you the price of the book many times over.

I have a prepper playlist and also a cooking and recipe playlist.
MY DIY FRUGAL PREPPER SURVIVAL videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6760AB1EC5A0691
My favorite cooking videos. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL67EA7FD1A269D211

A few very special people have saved the Amazon link I will provide below. This is my link to my Amazon store where you can see stuff I have bought and liked a lot over the years. You do not have to buy anything from the store, just by using my link to enter Amazon anything you buy on Amazon will help me out at no cost to you. Didn’t you want to buy an island or jet aircraft on Amazon today?

I want to thank you guys again for showing up and watching me trying to have a little fun or show you something that might help you out. I made YouTube videos for fun years before they paid a penny and I will continue to do so as long as it is fun and you guys keep showing up.
see ya out there.
Robb Moffett
Robb’s Homemade life

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