Prepper Pantry Haul: Azure Standard Drop

#azurestandard #prepping #shtf

We recently got our first order from Azure Standard! We were very happy with it and their ordering process and are here to share the details with you!

Check out Azure Standard:

Get free credit-Sign up for an account and get your own referral link!

Products I ordered or mentioned:
Organic Hard Red Wheat:

Soft White Wheat:

Freeze dried elderberry powder:

Diatomaceous Earth:

Soap Nuts:

This is a very good manual grain mill (high on my wish list!):

Great electric mill at a good price:

Electric mill (wider range of grind sizes):

Emergency preparedness section:

Food storage section:

Our family chooses Thrive Life freeze dried foods because they’re simply the best! No additives, no GMO’s, just pure, nutritious, whole foods with impeccable quality control AND a 25 year shelf life! Check it out here:
Monthly Sale Items:

Could you use a little extra income? How would you like to get PAID every time your friends and family shop for groceries? Even earn FREE FOOD! Join our team! Even if you never sell to anyone, you will earn commission on your own purchases- getting paid to stock your prepper pantry is a no-brainer!

Other items we use and recommend:
PROTECT your family!
Emergency Antibiotics from Jase Medical:
Personal Protective Gear from Mira Safety:
EMP Shield for home, property and vehicles: (Save $50 with this link)
Seychelle water filtration: Use code WICKED for 10% off
Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers:
Our Berkey water filter:
Sawyer Mini Water Filter:
Presto Pressure Canner:
Dual Fuel Stove for Emergencies:
Our Butane Stove:

Here’s how I save money on EVERY haul and get freebies all the time with money saving rebate apps:
Ibotta: referral code “biqzbr”
Fetch: referral code “Q6WYV”

I use the Honey browser extension to save money by tracking prices on Amazon and other sites so I can buy at the lowest possible price! They also have a great feature called “droplist”- add items to your droplist and they email you when the price drops!

Will you have enough fruit and vegetable nutrition in your prepper pantry? Ruvi has the solution with 4 servings of whole, clean fruits and vegetables in each delicious drink! With a shelf life of at least 18 months, it’s a great way to add nutritional insurance to your prepper pantry- so add Ruvi to your rotation!
See for yourself at:

See for yourself at:

Food storage supplies from Mother Earth Products:

Makeup by Senegence:

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Our posts may contain affiliate links. If you use these links we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We appreciate your support more than you know!

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